Uncategorized November 13, 2019

3 Steps to Prep your Home to Sell for Top Dollar

Selling your house doesn’t just mean hiring a REALTOR to stick a sign out front — not if you want to get top dollar for your property!  Preparation makes a huge difference in attracting solid offers in the shortest amount of time.

Take a hard, dispassionate look at your property — just as buyers will when they walk in the door and it is what YOU do when you walk into other homes for sale.


Buyers freak out at cracked paint and broken tile.  Today’s buyers love hardwood floors, but scratches and dull finishes make them wonder what else you’ve neglected. Refinish, polish solid floors, get carpets professionally cleaned. Buyers open and close doors and drawers,. They notice sticky hinges. First impressions matter! Address any issues with the exterior—fences, shingles, sidewalks, etc. After all, without curb appeal, some buyers may never get to see the inside.


Buyers need to see themselves living in the house (it’s going to be THEIR home).  So start packing! I ask my clients to put away their collections, to take down all trophies (particularly animal heads) and to stow all guns (even the 0ld Davy Crockett-style gun over the fireplace). Stow the family photos! Try replacing any bold color choices in your floors and walls with something more neutral—beiges, tans, greys or whites. Repainting and new carpet helps give a house that “model home” feel. (Plus you have to take all your stuff off the walls to do this!).


Once your house is clean and updated, it’s time to play dress up. Home stagers can add small details and décor touches that will bring out the possibilities in the various spaces in your home: lamps, mirrors, throw rugs and pillows, flowers, decorative soaps and towels, patio furniture. Home staging can be particularly useful if your home is especially old or if the exterior looks dated. Think of it as a little mascara and rouge—if it’s done right, you notice the beauty, not the makeup. The stagers I recommend try to use as much of your own furnishings as possible, which saves you money.  Spending a bit on new bed linens and towels could translate into thousands of dollars on an offer.

Have questions? I offer a free review and analysis of your property. Call or email me.  775-850-5900 [email protected]